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Our Photo Album…Your Photos!
Show us your stuff!

Show us your stuff and put your photos here! We want to show YOU off! If you'd like to submit photos showing you and your students in action, please send either a regular photograph (and we’ll scan it; photos will be returned) or a scanned image saved as a jpg to the Mayron Cole Music Conservatory. See our Contact page for mailing instructions.

Students of Rana McCoy play Mayron Cole’s new theory game, Under the Sea.

Doris Schneider (left) poses with a class of students in her new Florida group piano studio.

Students don Santa hats as they perform seasonal music at Doris Schneider's Christmas recital.

Students of Denise Taylor take a bow after Mayron Cole's Toy Shop Christmas presentation.

Kimsey Wade's grand-daughter practices a difficult "hand cross-over" movement at the piano. Kimsey is a well-known Oklahoma piano teacher of The Mayron Cole Piano Method.

Kimsey Wade's piano students perform for customers of a clothing store in Oklahoma during the Christmas Holidays. Kimsey took keyboards to the store and his students performed Christmas music for two hours during a busy shopping Saturday in December. The keyboards were set up in wide aisles in the store. The young musicians and customers loved it!